The Pros & Cons of Living in Mississippi
So you’re thinking about moving and living in Mississippi? If that’s the case, it’s a good idea to make sure the state has all the resources you need to live and grow.
At first glance, the state’s rich soil and diverse landscape make it seem like a wonderful place. And, in all fairness, it is! Mississippi may be a bit smaller than the surrounding states but it has a rich hydrographic network, a climate favorable for agriculture, and laid back people who enjoy the finer things in life.
However, not everything is puppies and rainbows (as it usually happens), which is why it’s important to know the not-so-great aspects of building a life here as well. We put together some of the most important pros and cons so people who want to become Mississippians will have all the facts.
The Pros of Living in Mississippi
It Is Beautiful
If you love walks in nature or tending to a garden, Mississippi will feel like heaven! The Magnolia state (as it’s called by some) is the 4th most rural state in the country and it still keeps the atmosphere of the Old South in some areas.
While there are no major cities in the state, you are a two-hour drive to cities like New Orleans or Memphis. So you can have your peaceful days in a less populated area of the country (population density is 63 per square mile) and drive in a city whenever you miss the bustling urban life.
In short, if you are more fond of small towns and rolling hills, Mississippi should definitely be on your list!
Low Average Cost of Living
Mississippi can be a fantastic location for people who want to settle down and raise a family. Besides the welcoming landscape and beautiful scenery, the state has one of the lowest costs of living in the entire US.
A house is 40% cheaper than the median price per country and there are several assistance lines funded by the government for first-time home buyers. You can read more about the Mississippi first-time home buyer programs on Home & Money.
Plus, food, transportation costs, and even childcare services are affordable. In most scenarios, Mississippi ranks as the cheapest state in which to live.
Affordable Education
America’s youth is burdened by student loans that they struggle to pay way into adulthood. So if you are looking for affordable education, that won’t drive your finances into the ground, Mississippi is a good state.
Students get to choose between eight public universities, 17 community colleges, and 10 private colleges. Now, keep in mind that higher education doesn’t usually come cheap. So, even if the tuition to a Mississippi university is 3 to 4 times lower than tuition rates to states in the Northeastern part of the country, it can still be a burden on people on a tight budget.
Still, it’s important to know that the state continues to invest in education and the crime rates are fairly low. This is due, in part, to the fact that most communities have a close-knit, almost rural feeling.
The Not-so-great Aspects of Being a Mississippian
Poverty, Obesity, & Poor Healthcare
The state has the worst poverty rate in the US, with a sizable chunk of its population living below the poverty line. Plus, since people here love fried foods (Southern comfort food), the obesity rate is worrisomely high. Also, people don’t really like sports and exercising here.
After learning all this, it probably won’t surprise you to learn that the state has one of the lowest ratings when it comes to healthcare quality, access to care, and even costs. As a direct result of this, life expectancy is low as well.
Extreme Weather
In most parts of the year, the weather is nice and the winters are mild, but Mississippi is in the path of major hurricanes and tornadoes. This is due to its location on the Gulf Coast, the infamous Dixie Alley (one of the most active tornado areas in the US).
Therefore, the state is hit by around 50 tornadoes per year and Mississippians had to solder through eight major hurricanes in modern times. If these facts don’t scare you from ever moving here, you will be rewarded with easy access to gorgeous beaches that many people only dream of.
Wrap Up
So if after knowing all this, you’re still preparing for a long-distance move, you have the heart of a true Mississippian! The state will welcome you with a slower pace of life, simpler joys, and a focus on family, food, and God. True, there are challenges, but you will have an entire community to support your efforts!
We hope you found this blog post The Pros & Cons of Living in Mississippi useful. Be sure to check out our post 5 Pros and 5 Cons of Moving To Nevada for more great tips!
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